
Change Healthcare announced a breach of HIPAA privacy and is reaching out to individuals whose personal information may have been compromised. Although this incident does not involve Delta Dental of New Jersey or Connecticut, Change Healthcare is a vendor we used and we are providing this information to help our members who might be affected.

About our Special Investigations Unit (SIU)

Delta Dental’s mission is to provide quality dental coverage to its subscribers/members and their dependents, and has done so since 1971. Since 1981, we have had an ongoing program of in-office reviews performed for dentists who submit claims to Delta Dental of Connecticut.

Delta Dental’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU) consists of a team of investigators, each of whom has at least one of the following:

  • A bachelor's degree
  • An associate's degree plus a minimum of two years' experience with insurance-related employment
  • A minimum of four years of experience with insurance-related employment
  • A minimum of five years of law enforcement experience


Our SIU staff has a diverse educational and professional background relating to dental, claims processing, law, and public policy. We currently meet or exceed the Connecticut state requirements. Delta Dental of Connecticut also utilizes other staff such as dental consultants, customer service agents, underwriters, and claims processing professionals to assist in investigations.

The SIU is responsible for:

  • Receiving written and verbal correspondence regarding suspicious claims and developing a course of action
  • Conducting reviews of claims, treatment records, financial records, and other supporting documentation for both insured and uninsured patients
  • Analysis of the records and claims to determine if there is evidence of misrepresentation regarding claim submissions
  • Communicating with patients to determine if any misrepresentation occurred
  • Reporting fraud to appropriate state agencies and bureaus
  • Training Delta Dental associates on fraud prevention


The Connecticut Department of Insurance’s Fraud & Investigations unit promotes insurance fraud prevention, detection, and reporting through consumer outreach and education. The unit also provides assistance to insurer’s anti-fraud or special investigative units (SIU’s) and facilitates cooperation and communication among insurers, state and federal agencies, law enforcement, and insurance industry groups. The Fraud Unit coordinates anti-fraud efforts among, and offers assistance as appropriate to, the following entities or agencies: National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) local, state and federal law enforcement, and other state agencies such as Department of Public Health, Department of Consumer Protection and Department of Motor Vehicles.


Additionally, the unit reviews allegations of insurance fraud and makes referrals to other agencies or law enforcement for criminal prosecution as needed. Typical referrals include, among others, reports of arson, staged auto accidents, false reports of auto theft and improper medical billing.