The benefits of enrolling in a group dental plan far outweigh going it alone, as group plans help protect you from unplanned dental expenses. The following videos show the value of group benefits.
See what dental benefits cover
- One in four Americans avoids dental care or treatment because they don't know what their insurance covers.
- A dental benefits plan helps pay for oral health care, such as preventive and diagnostic care like exams, cleanings, and x-rays.
Group plans: Strength in numbers
- Group plans offer better rates and coverage.
- 79% of Americans with group dental benefits are more likely to get routine checkups and cleanings.
Take the work out of shopping for dental benefits
- Delta Dental has the largest local and nationwide dental network.
- We cover services that others don’t, such as a missing tooth.
Invest in your oral health
- Regular dental checkups can help maintain your teeth—and your body as a whole.
- Investing in dental health protects you and your family while providing peace of mind.
Do you already have a trusted dentist?
- Delta Dental gives you access to 86% of New Jersey and Connecticut and 77% of dentists nationwide.
- Our Find-a-Dentist tool helps you find one that's right for you and your family.
Talk to your benefits manager today to enroll.