Change Healthcare announced a breach of HIPAA privacy and is reaching out to individuals whose personal information may have been compromised. Although this incident does not involve Delta Dental of New Jersey or Connecticut, Change Healthcare is a vendor we used and we are providing this information to help our members who might be affected.
The following are commonly asked questions by our dentists
Online account
How do I update my dentist and office profile information?
Sign-in to view and update your password, security questions and answers, and EOB and PTE communication preferences.
How do I download the fee filing, W9 and/or direct deposit authorization agreement?
To download the fee filing agreement, please sign-in and navigate to Fee schedules & handbooks..
Electronic Funds Transfer (Direct Deposit)
What exactly is Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)?
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is also known as Direct Deposit. It is the transfer of funds to a checking or savings account at a participating bank, savings and loan association or credit union.
What are the benefits of Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)?
Increased staff productivity – Time spent traveling and/or standing in line at the bank is time better spent in your dental practice. EFT allows your staff to stay productive in your office.
Reduced risk of theft or fraud – Whether it is mail theft or embezzlement, EFT provides greater assurance/accountability for funds.
Predictable cash flow – You will know exactly when your funds from Delta Dental of Connecticut will be in your bank account. You no longer need to worry about mail delays or trying to make it to the bank in time for a deposit.
Who is eligible for Direct Deposit?
Any practicing dentist in the country – whether you are participating or not with Delta Dental.
Do I still receive paper Explanations of Benefit?
You may continue to receive EOBs by mail. If you prefer to go paperless, sign-in and select “Go Paperless.”
Are there any costs to my participating in EFT?
No, the program is offered as a free service.
How can I be sure the information I provide is secure and will be kept private?
Your information will be treated as strictly confidential and can be accessible only to a select few employees handling EFT.
When will my money be available at the bank?
Delta Dental of Connecticut deposits weekly, usually on Friday except when there is a holiday schedule. Funds would then be available the next business day.
How will I know the funds have been deposited?
Check with your bank to verify that the deposit has been made.
Do I have to wait for the paper EOBs to arrive before reconciling my patients’ accounts?
No, you can sign-in and view your EOBs electronically.
How do I stop EFT?
You can cancel online, email us, or fax to 973-285-4192.
What is the earliest date I can make a cash withdrawal on the amount of the EFT?
Typically, the same day as the EFT is made to your bank.
What if my bank did not receive my EFT?
If you EFT appears to be late or missing, please contact Delta Dental of New Jersey’s Professional Services Department at 973-285-4000 or via email.
What if the amount of the deposit does not agree with the amount indicated on my bank statement?
Please contact Delta Dental of New Jersey’s Professional Services Department at 973-285-4000 or via email.
Why do you need a voided check or deposit slip?
This additional documentation eliminates confusion or errors on properly recording your bank’s transit number. The voided check and/or savings deposit slip should be attached to or copied and mailed along with the paper enrollment form. If you prefer to enroll online, simply fax, or email a copy of the voided check to complete your enrollment. You should verify the account and transit numbers with your financial institution to determine that these are the correct number for EFT transactions.
If there is more than one dentist in the practice, is each dentist required to fill out a separate EFT/Direct Deposit Authorization Form?
No. You – and all the dentists at the specified business/service office who practice under one TIN – will be enrolled in Direct Deposit. Any dentists who are added to the office and TIN will automatically be enrolled in Direct Deposit going forward.
Once I sign-up, will all my checks be deposited by EFT?
Most will be deposited by EFT. There are some Delta Dental clients who still prefer we send payment by check.
Will payments from other Delta Dental member companies be deposited directly into my account?
Yes. This applies to payments made by Delta Dental of New Jersey, other Delta Dental member companies and their affiliates.
What if I am receiving Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA/835)?
Please contact your financial institution to arrange for the delivery of the CORE-required Minimum CCD+data elements needed for re-association of the EFT and the ERA.
Electronic Claims Submission
Do I need Electronic Claims Submission?
To answer this question, take the simple quiz below.
If you answered YES to one of more of these questions, then you are a good candidate for electronic claims submission.
Can I submit claims with diagnostics?
All claims can be send electronically. If a claim needs diagnostics, we will request them. However, to save time, use your attachment software and send them at the same time you submit your claim.
Can I submit claims requiring coordination of benefits (COB?)
Yes, primary carrier payment information should be provided in the appropriate field. We also accept and process prime COB claims and dual (Delta Dental primary and secondary) claims.
What about pre-treatment estimates?
Pre-treatment estimates can be submitted electronically.
Does Delta Dental receive claims from more than one clearinghouse?
Yes, Delta Dental receives claims from the following clearinghouses:
EMDEON | (888) 416-0673
Tesia Clearinghouse | (800) 724-7240
Where can I go for additional information on electronic claims submission?
Please contact NDEDIC via email or web. In addition, Delta Dental has clearinghouse and software vendor agreements that can further benefit the participating dentist through discounts and other cost-savings. Please ask your Dental Network Coordinator for more information.
Do I have to maintain a hard copy of my patient records if I'm submitting electronic claims?
No, as long as the licensee complies with the requirements defined in the amended rule.
What if I make a mistake entering data?
Please call Customer Service at (800) 452-9310, so the claim can be deleted. Then resubmit the claim correctly.
How often should I back up my data?
Back up your system nightly. Maintain quarterly back ups, storing the last three quarters onsite, and the forth quarter (annual) back up offsite.