
Change Healthcare announced a breach of HIPAA privacy and is reaching out to individuals whose personal information may have been compromised. Although this incident does not involve Delta Dental of New Jersey or Connecticut, Change Healthcare is a vendor we used and we are providing this information to help our members who might be affected.

Sales & Account Management Contacts

Small Group (Groups with 2-50 employees)


Carin P. Hep
Director, Small Group and Individual Program Sales
email  |  phone (973) 944-4519

James Cannon
 email  |  phone (860) 633-9200 x116
Will Provost
 email  |  phone (860) 508-9763

Large Group (Groups with 51+ employees)


David Scott
 email  |  phone (860) 633-9200 x112

Kelly Pappas
 email |  phone (860) 633-9200 x117


Broker Commission Questions?

email | phone (973) 285-4067 

Need General Information?

email  | phone (860) 633-9200 |  fax: (860) 633-3265