
Change Healthcare announced a breach of HIPAA privacy and is reaching out to individuals whose personal information may have been compromised. Although this incident does not involve Delta Dental of New Jersey or Connecticut, Change Healthcare is a vendor we used and we are providing this information to help our members who might be affected.

Experience The Delta Dental Difference

Small Business Program key differentiators

Our Networks

Delta Dental PPO™ Delta Dental PPO Plus Premier™
  • In-network access to the largest network of dentists (85% in CT and 4 out of 5 nationwide)

  • Only 6% of our PPO Plus Premier claims are out-of-network

  • Lower out-of-pocket costs without having to change dentists. Even greater savings by visiting a PPO dentist

  • Average PPO discount: 34%; Average Premier discount: 21%
  • 50% of Connecticut dentists/55% of dentists nationally participate

  • When PPO members visit Premier-only dentists, balance billing is significantly reduced as the member earns the Premier discount at the time of service

  • Plan Features

    Preventive & Diagnostic Basic Major

    Oral Surgery

    Endodontics & Periodontics


    Space Maintainers


    • No waiting periods on all employer-paid plans and select voluntary plans
    • Standard benefit: Composite resin restorations (white fillings) covered on all teeth
    • Dependents are covered to age 26 regardless of student status
    • Favorable frequencies to the member: Two per calendar year vs. one every six months – exams/evaluations, cleanings, bitewing x-rays through age 18, and topical fluoride through age 18
    • New benefit: In-office A1c diabetes testing
    • Enhanced pregnancy benefit
    • Available dual option on any groups with 10 or more enrolled and two or more enrolled in each plan
    • Superior customer service from Delta Dental of New Jersey and Connecticut to provide a first-class experience!